Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fw: The Howl, Week 4

Hey Cubs.
Wow, it's been quite an exciting time since I last wrote! My favorite part of camp was the food challenge, even though I had to eat a chunk of moldy cheese. My favorite part of the last meeting was learning about old B.P.
There are now a number of photos from the Survivor Scanlon weekend posted at our site as well the new weekly challenge.
So you all next Thursday.

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Howl, Week 2

Hey Cubs,

Too bad we couldn't meet this week. :O(

Our next meeting is this Thursday October 2nd, which will be the last Cub meeting before our fall camp on October 3rd-5th.
Although I mentioned in my e-mail last week about our new website last week, I didn't mention that the site will updated with a new Cub challenge every week. Those cubs who complete these challenges will be rewarded with a completion of one or more requirements for their stars/badges. You can find the main site here:
And the challenges page here:
I would also like to draw your attention to our calendar, which has been updated with all Cub events into November.
Finally, the site has a links page, which has links to a lot of cool sites. It includes links to all of Foster's favorite sites so far
If you would like to send me some of your own favorite links, please do and I'll include them on the site.
Yours in Scouting,

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Howl, Week 1

Hey Cubs!


"Many strange legends are told of these jungles of India, but none so strange as the story of a small boy named Mowgli. It all began when the silence of the jungle was broken by an unfamiliar sound"


I would like to thank each of you for giving me my new identity, Bagheera.


I would also like to invite you to come see our new 8th Newmarket Cubs website. You can find it here:


As you will see, if you look around the site, this week's challenge is to create a work of art for our artwork section.


I'm looking forward to seeing what each of you can create!



Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cubs Website V1.0

I've finished designing version 1.0 of the new 8th Newmarket Cubs website. Currently has all the content I'd planned, but none of the panache.
Let me know what think.

Sunday, September 14, 2008